Monday, December 21, 2009

Vicarious Win!

Please head over to the Personal Demons blog of LisaDez and give her a virtual high five. She just landed a three-book deal with Tor/MacMillan.


I'm so excited for her, not only is she deserving of this incredible success, but as her crit partner *puffs chest with pride* I can tell you this book is fantastic and I can't wait to see it on the shelves.

Huzzah Lisa! Huzzah!

*Sighs, dreaming of Luc*

We're dancing for you at my house (It looks something like this):


  1. Dancin'and laughin' here. That video is a great choice for a book deal. :D
    Also, you and Lisa obviously make incredible crit partners. I can't wait to read both your books.

  2. Just sent her a congrats :)

    Please tell me you aren't dancing in those tights? lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks, Tricia!

    Don't worry, Void, just feelin the rhythm and leaving the costuming to the pros!

  5. Thanks so much, Andrea!!! You rock!!!

    I see you racking up more foriegn sales! Wooot!
