Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm in Florida!

At the National Council for Teachers of English annual meeting. Teachers and librarians are amazing! I'm having a wonderful time and every time I turn around I run into another of my favorite YA authors :)

And bonus: it's at Walt Disney World. Today I'm headed into the Magic Kingdom and I feel like I'm ten years old again!


  1. your an hour away from my house!!!
    have a great time at disney, be sure to see the Lion King show, its my favorite!

  2. Omg i am soooo jelous of my cousin who is there right now!

  3. Disneyworld is my favorite place on Earth!! Have an awesome time. And thanks for appreciating us librarians. It means a lot.

  4. Awesome! My envy is surpassed only by my joy for your success :-)
    Let me know when/where your book tour comes around the Boston area!
