Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hi Blog Friends and Welcome New Followers!!

I'm nearly finished with Bloodrose (Nightshade #3) and I promise that soon there will be real posts here again...except that the World Cup is on right now too...just kidding - though I will be blogging at least once about why everyone should watch the World Cup.

Until then, I'm delighted to point you in the direction of this review that made me SQUEE! Thanks Mundie Moms!!!!

You also shouldn't miss your chance to read the first chapter of Personal Demons, the debut novel of my amazing critique partner, Lisa Desrochers.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Thanks for the shout out, daaaaling. =)

    DYING to get my hands on Bloodrose! Write FASTER!!

  2. I read the first chapter a few moments ago, and I loved every word!
    Oh, and congrats on *almost* finishing Bloodrose!
    Love, Hannah
    P.s. Psh, I know! You know this morning I was talking about the World Cup with a friend, and this girls goes, "What's the World Cup?"
    WHATS THE WORLD CUP?! How can you NOT know!
    I know I sort of come off as being mad, but I'm not at all! It's just insane how people still haven't heard of it...
