Hello, from beautiful Long Beach, California! As a northern girl who has scoffed at television images of Californians donning sweaters when it got 'cold,' I must concede my error. It has been cool this weekend, and while it's not frigid like Minnesota I have indeed wanted a coat most days that I'm here. Even though it's not sunbathing temps, I've still taken great joy in walking on the beach at sunset.
It's the middle of my BLOODROSE tour and I want to send a huge thank you to everyone I've seen on the trip!
I have two stops left:
Tuesday in St. Louis and
Friday in New Orleans. I'd love to see you!
If you weren't able to come out for this tour, I'm delighted to announce the upcoming Breathless Reads tour. I'll be on the road with Marie Lu, Beth Revis, and Jessica Spotswood.
Follow the latest Breathless Reads news on Facebook! Here is the preliminary schedule - keep an eye out for more details to come:
February 15, Chicago
Anderson's Bookshop
February 16, Washington D. C.
Bethesda Public Library
February 17, New York City
Books of Wonder
February 18, Philadelphia
Towne Center Book & Cafe
February 19, Philadelphia
Doylestown Bookshop
February 21, Atlanta
Little Shop of Stories
February 22, Houston
Blue Willow Bookshop
February 23, Dallas
Barnes and Noble
February 24, Los Angeles
Once Upon A Time
February 25, Los Angeles
Passion and Prose Event
Westin Long Beach
Before I sign off I want to send a huge thank you to all of you for supporting BLOODROSE - I'm thrilled to share that you have put the
Nightshade series on the NYT series list...at #5!!!! That means I'm raising my donation to Defenders of Wildlife to $5 per picture of BLOODROSE that I've received. And you've sent me loads of pictures so that means lots of money to protect wolves! You rock!! Thank you!!!