Hearing from readers is one of the best parts of being an author and the excitement of fans at my events is the biggest compliment I ever get. So I thought it would be fun to share today's fangirl moment of my own.
I love television shows that feature smart writing and compelling characters. I've long said that Joss Whedon taught me to how to write dialogue and pace plots. Though not a Joss project (though it often felt like one), Veronica Mars is an all-time favorite show of mine. The characters and storyline are amazing; the writing brilliant.
So today when Twitter exploded with the news of a Kickstarter-funded Veronica Mars movie, I was over the moon. So much so that I funded the project and if it meets its goal, I will be an extra in the film. This is officially the most I've ever indulged in fandom, but Veronica Mars on the big screen is well worth it. Hopefully this summer I'll have 'my day on the movie set' stories to share!
omg, is it some original cast members or all new ones? It's been some years since it was on tv, but I loved it, too.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you on the big screen. ;)
Best decision EVER!
ReplyDeleteCan not wait to hear all about it...I too decided to fund the project yesterday when Twitter exploded. No way I could say no to that Logan smolder that promises us SO MUCH.
Stalk him for me while you're there, will you? ;)
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ReplyDeletenice blog ,thank you for sharing
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