Friday, March 11, 2011

Shiny and New!!

I have some VERY exciting news today!! First of all I'm thrilled to tell you that NIGHTSHADE is now an international best seller!!! (Thank you, France!)

Coming on the heels of that announcement I'm psyched to share yet more fabulous news:

NIGHTSHADE will be available in paperback this June AND features a new cover!

Penguin decided to try out a fresh take on NIGHTSHADE for the paperback release and I absolutely love it. I also loved the original cover, but I think the new cover truly embodies the novel and depicts Calla so perfectly. When I was first mulling over NIGHTSHADE I came across a poem by Margaret Atwood (one of my favorite authors)* and was struck by its first stanza:

Not you I fear, but that other

She who can walk through flesh

Queen of the two dimensions

These lines reflected the essence of Calla and were the inspiration for this new cover. I love it!

The response to the new NIGHTSHADE cover as it was previewed was so positive that Penguin has decided to makeover the series with this new theme. Squee!!! Thus I'm also able to share....


I am enthralled by how powerful Calla is in this image and the way she resembles a wolf silhouetted by the moon is exquisite. Calla would love this cover (as would Ren and Shay *cough*).

Thanks to all the talent at Penguin for giving my books such wonderful covers!!! I can't wait to see them on the books!!

The poem is in this collection by Margaret Atwood.


  1. Ahhhh I adore the new Nightshade cover! I love how you can see her as a wolf as well and how it matches up perfectly with they eye and all =]

  2. Well, it looks I'll be getting a second copy of Nightshade! While I think I prefer the original, the new one is gorgeous and captures Calla perfectly.

    The new Wolfsbane cover is very pretty, too! It conveys a much more grown-up feel, I think.

  3. I love both the covers!

    Will there be two covers for Wolfsbane or just this new one you posted? Or is this new Wolfsbane one you posted just for the paperback?

  4. Ahhhhhhhh! I LOVE them all!!!

  5. Ohhh, I LOVE the first cover! Congratulations, they're wonderful!


  6. as much I love the original cover of Nightshade, I have to say the new one is even better!! How is that possible? You are one lucky girl for having such an amazing design team supporting your incredible writing!

  7. Congratulations on being an international best seller! What do you expect from a great book :-D

    I love both version! Hardcover and paperback. Looking forward to Wolfsbane.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Quite frankly, the new cover makes me want to read the story more! I want to find out more about it. And it makes the Wolfsbane cover look even cooler.

    Congrats, Andrea!

  9. Congratulations and wow, the old covers were beautiful and the new covers are as well! Awesome books, awesome covers!
    Truly Bookish

  10. I guess I have to be the dissenter! While I like the new covers, I think the old ones are much, MUCH better! Please tell me that Wolfsbane will still be available in the original cover for the hard cover book or I am going to be really sad. I think the original covers are much more appealing. If I had seen the new covers, I wouldn't have been as inclined to pick up Nightshade.

  11. Thanks so much everyone, I adore the new covers and am SO lucky for the vision and talent of team Penguin!! @aLmYbNeNr I'm afraid WOLFSBANE won't be available in the former cover :( I love those covers too, but am equally excited about the new cover.

  12. awesome & congrats on international best-seller-dom. :o)

  13. All four covers are gorgeous, but I do like the new ones for the sense of story I get from them. Congrats, Andrea!

  14. As much as I like the new covers, question; Does that mean the other Wolfbane cover is no longer available?



  15. I'm also sad about the 'old' Wolfsbane cover :( It was one of my most favourite covers!!! The green was really eye-catching and I personally would be more inclined to pick up the series based on the old covers rather than the new. They somehow looked more sophisticated? And different from everything else on the market :)

  16. Hey Mybella and Brittany :) I loved the old covers too - they are so beautiful, but the overall response was that they didn't convey enough about the story so that's the idea behind the new covers :)

  17. It's such a shame though since the other covers really were the most beautiful books I've ever ever seen. The new covers would have been perfect for the paperbacks.
    Congrats on this though, they really are nice:)

  18. Does this means I will have to own a third edition of Nightshades? lol (I already have an ARC and a finished original copy)

  19. Are these both the paperback covers? Will the green Wolfsbane cover still be the hardback cover??

  20. Tynga *hugs*

    Mariya - The response to the new art concept was so positive that Penguin is changing all the covers to the new style. The original green cover will only be available in ARCs.

  21. LOVE! I was just wondering earlier today abt your paperback cover. =)

  22. Absolutely LOVE the new covers! I'll miss the old ones though.

  23. I hope I win an ARC or something just so I get that green cover 8)

  24. More ARC contests are coming soon! :)

  25. Oh I love the new covers!! I liked the other two, but I think these are far more fitting. Dark and beautiful as well. I want them!!

  26. Noooooo!!! My covers aren't going to be all matchy-matchy (cue my book OCDnes)?!?

    I can understand what you are saying that the original covers do not convey enough of the story, but I feel like they more so appealed to young adults, the intended audience, whereas these covers have an adult PNR/ UF feel to them.

    And now I won't have a copy of the original "Wolfsbane" to hold in my hands while I paint the partner to my "Nightshade" oil painting (

  27. Me too Mariya. I am so sad. I want matching covers and I bought the hardback of Nightshade BECAUSE of the cover rather than buy the Kindle edition. I really want the green cover too. It's going to be sad for the third book because we won't even have a chance for another matching, beautiful cover.

  28. Will the hardcover of Nightshade be re-released with the new cover? The new covers are great but I'm more concerned about my covers matching!

  29. Hi Honey -

    That's definitely something Penguin is talking about :)

    Thanks, Anita!

  30. I like the new covers, but I like the orginal ones better. Love your books though. :)

  31. Congrats on the new cover for the paperback edition of Nightshade, I managed to get an autographed copy of the hardback, and it's one of my prized possessions (I only have like 3 autographed books).

    But I'm going to have to side with those that don't like the new cover for Wolfsbane. It's a lovely cover, and I think it would work well for the paperback version, but in all honesty, I find it much too dark and clichƩ-ish.

    I loved the old green cover because of it's brightness, and the fact that it stood out from the crowd. I love the purple hardback cover for that reason too, and that cover is the reason WHY I picked up Nighshade in the first place.

    I loved the way the purple and the old green cover balanced each other out. They looked like they belonged together and could stand on their own at the same time. The new Wolfsbane cover, doesn't do that at all, you can tell it's part of a set. And while that's not always a bad thing, unless you bought the books all in paperback, that just makes me sad.

  32. Congrats on the new covers! I think the old covers targeted younger readers and these will target an older audience.

  33. I love the new Nightshade cover, Calla looks EXACTLY the same as she does in my head while I'm reading as she does on this new cover, the old nightshade cover didn't remind me of the way calla looks (besides looking intimidating!) Calla doesn't wear that much makeup, yet the original cover girl has a lot of makeup on. so there for the new cover for nightshade is PERFECT, I seriously love the new cover so much..I am probably going to buy another copy of nightshade in paperback just so I have that cover(:

    BUT, I must admit I'am not as big of a fan about the new Wolfsbane cover): but still pretty!(:

  34. The first time I attempted to post this is didn't take so hopefully this won't be a duplicate.

    They say, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". I say A book by any other cover will still be judged as it was before. It's what's on the inside that counts. :)

    Usually when I see a book has a new cover I immediately like one over the other. I can't say that with your books. I love them all for different reasons. Calla does look stronger in the new covers, but I believe the old covers are beautiful as well. I'm just glad I didn't have to choose. I am sad, however, I won't be able to have both covers for Wolfsbane. Tell penguin they have a wonderful bunch of cover artists.

  35. Wow, Lisarenee, thank you so much I can't tell you enough how much that means :)

  36. The only problem now is that I will have to go out and buy the new Nightshade cover lol, I must have! Plus I want my series to match =D Cannot wait for Wolfsbane, it can't come soon enough!

  37. I like the original Wolfsbane cover. Is the original wolfsbane cover going to be in hardback also?

  38. The new covers are nice, but I have to say, I'm a fan of the original ones, especially Wolfsbane. When I was reading the ARC of Nightshade on the train, so many people were staring at it and trying to read over my sure hope I can get an Arc of the original Wolfsbane. Regardless, your stories are awesome and I can't wait to read book 2!

  39. Hi Andrea,

    I'm sorry to say I really don't like these covers ('s mostly just the Wolfsbane one I don't like). I'm glad you adore them though. I'll still be reading Wolfsbane as soon as I can get my hands on it because your stories are super awesome but probably just getting it from the library instead of buying it :( Hopefully one day Penguin will decide to make that green hardcover available to readers as well.

    ~ Erika

  40. Well, this is a little disappointing. I haven't read your books(yet) though they were high up on my pile to read. I absolutely adored the old Nightshade and Wolfsbane, and was hoping to get both of them, hardcover to have on my bookshelf and to read, but the new covers don't draw me in, at all unfortunately. I would say that I'd walk right past the new covers without a second glance. Sorry!
    It seems out in the blogosphere it goes both ways, people love them and people don't love them. If I can get myself an ARC of the gorgeous green Wolfsbane, I'd be happy! I'd much rather have a matching set of the first ones.
    Glad you like them though, and congrats on your book becoming a Bestseller, by the sounds of it, you truly deserve that!

  41. Covers are beautiful, but I feel, that first covers were nicer. I don't know why, but I love colors... However, I sure with you, that it image Calla better, but I still love more first versions of Nighshade serie.

  42. I do really like the new covers, though I prefer the old ones because I feel they allow me to have more control over why Cala looks like in my mind.So I hope I can get the original copy of Wolfspane.

  43. Aw, I'm kinda bummed to be honest. The first covers were so much more original and eye-catching. The new ones kind of look ordinary and like every other paranormal book out there. While I love the new covers for paperback, I really wish they'd decided to keep the old one for hardback. :( So many young adult covers had black, dark covers - it was refreshing to see something so bright and beautiful.

    Regardless, your books are amazing, so I'd still buy it if it had a brown paper bag with some stick figures as the cover. ;D

  44. I'm so sad!! I love the old wolfsband cover!!! Can't the new cover be just for the paperback??

  45. I agree with kdemartelaere, I think the old ones should be for the hardback and the new for the paperback. I hope you are still doing the ripped, older looking pages though. No matter what you decided I am going to buy it anyways :)

  46. I loved the original covers so much. The original cover of Nightshade caught my attention and that is why I started reading the description of the book. I will probably just borrow the two books from the library when the time comes.

    The darker color scheme for the new covers aren't very eye-catching and it will attract more older audiences but most YA paranormal novels have dark covers like the new covers. While the original covers stand out from a lot of others books. Well, I guess it is up to you and Penguin.

  47. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't like the new covers. I'm really hoping they use the old version for the hardback release of Wolfsbane. Anyway, I think they're ok for the paperback release. I just don't like them myself. :/

  48. I loved Nightshade and Can't possibly wait for Wolfsbane!!

  49. It's interesting that they thought the old covers didn't portray the story as well as these. My first thought about these covers was that they were targeting an older audience now since there was less emphasis on the eye-popping colors and photoshopped eyes and more so on portraying Calla as a strong female lead. I think I like both these new covers and the old ones equally; they each have their merits. Lucky you to have such awesome covers :)!

    Will these ones also have the rippled/historic-feeling edges to the pages? (Sorry, I don't actually know what those are called).

  50. I was disappointed to see that the NightShade and Wolfsbane covers were changed. The original ones were one of the best YA Fantasy covers I have seen and I don't understand why it had to be changed. When I searched for discussions on this I found out majority agreed with me. There were even some that created blog posts to show their disappointment.
    Oh well, at the end of the day I am still a Andrea Cremer fan. :)

  51. Hi Andrea,

    Loved Nightshade and think it is one of the few smart, strong paranormal YA stories out there.

    This whole re-branding is very dissapointing, I guess the marketing team just did not have their act together in the first place? I find the new covers tacky and cheesy-one opinion which I know matters very little-but I think this does nothing to distinguish the series from the dozens of bad paranormal YA series out there right now.

    As I understand it, one possible solution to the problem of matching covers is to come out with a hardcover Nightshade with the new cover on it. This is an insult to the reader's intelligence and pretty obvious cash grab. How it this fair to readers who supported the work from the beginning? I think in some ways, the young audience is taken advantage of here because they won't make much of a fuss. I understand this is not literary fiction and that you want to sell as many books as possible, but does it always have to be about the marketing? Very frustrating.

  52. I don't like them at all! Sorry, but the Nightshade hardcover I have is one of my all time favorites. It is the reason I picked the book up in the first place, I loved everything about it. I can't even imagine this new image even sitting on the same shelf with my beloved book. I have to read Wolfsbane, the story is so amazing, but can't picture myself buying it like this. :(

  53. i am SO SO bummed that the original Wolfsbane cover has been changed. i dont like these new covers at all. they are kind of cheesy-cliche. Nightshade is the prettiest book i own and i have over 150 books! The cover of Nightshade is what caught my attention in the first place. and Wolfsbane was a perfect companion to it. i wish you would keep the hardcovers in the old style and the paperbacks in the new styles. that way everyone can be happy. i bet most people would buy the original books. i dont know if i will buy the actual wolfsbane book cause it drives me CRAZY not to have my books match. maybe i will buy it for my kindle but i am VERY dissapointed. :(

  54. I'm sorry to tell I'm agree with last comments. The new covers are awfull and don't give me the envy to read Wolfsbane (who I could kill someone for read it). Please, please, tell to penguin to not change the first version of Wolfsbane cover, which is definitely awsome ! Let the second version to the paperback.

  55. I was going to post this comment a while back, but I wasn't sure what to say. I was speechless for a while, but I believe I've found my words. I do not mean to offend with any of the following:

    I'm glad I bought my copy of 'Nightshade' before all this change happened. The cover is gorgeous and magical and lends Calla a sense of mystery and beauty --not to mention strength-- before we even begin reading.

    I am very sad that 'Wolfsbane' will not have its original cover for its hardcover release.

    While there is no doubt in my mind that I want to read the book (very, very badly!), I am not sure if I'll be able to buy it. As a YA book, you'd think the covers would convey the strength of the main caracter, not something "sexy" that sends a wrong message out to younger readers.

    Seriously. If my mom saw that cover on my bookshelf, I'd be in trouble. Big time.

    So though I adore 'Nightshade' and look forward to reading 'Wolsbane', I'm pretty sure I'll be getting rid of the cover. :(

    Sorry. I love 'Nightshade', and as one of my favourites, your writing will forever have a place on my bookshelf.

    -K.C. Graham

  56. Hello Andrea,

    I have to say that I have been absolutely pining for Wolfsbane to come out since I received Nightshade which I pre-ordered through Amazon months before it released. But now, I find myself agreeing with many of the bloggers on here with their dislike of the new Wolfsbane cover.

    I believe a lot of the initial attraction for Nightshade and Wolfsbane came from their dazzling covers and once picked up readers stayed attracted because it's a wonderful story.

    I have to say I am very disappointed that the cover has been changed and a part of me doesn't want to even purchase Wolfsbane anymore although I've already pre-ordered it. I think it does a disservice to your readers that were with you from the very beginning. And I think the new cover, definitely sends out the wrong message as to what this novel is about.

    Is there anyway to still get the original Wolsfbane cover? If not, I hope that Penguin will at some point, chose to rectify this situation.

    Thank you though Andrea, for your wonderful stories.


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Personally, I liked the old cover better and If I hadn't already started reading the sries, I probably wouldn't buy the book.
    I'm still hoping that Penguin will publish the book with the original cover. If not, then I have two choices: not buying the book at all -which would make me sad since I'm rooting for Ren and hoping,that in this book or the one after he'll win Calla over- OR I'll have to buy the UK book.

    SO to summarize: I'd prefer having the old cover but if I have to choose between a skank and a plain cover... I'm choosing the plain one.
